Thursday, August 9, 2012

Mimi Naenda: Pour ma part, je me retire

Last day in the DR Congo. It always seems a bit bittersweet leaving a place you have called home. After a while though, you learn to attach yourself to people and not places. Friendships are a hundredfold more valuable than any destination, be it adventurous backpacking or compelling solidarity groups.

In my previous posts, you had the opportunity to discover some of the greater political tangents I was able to witness while in Lubumbashi, as well as several client and staff profiles that shine light on the noticeable impact of microfiancance. Without a doubt, village banking is making a considerable dent to the spread of global poverty, particularly in the DRC. Solidarity groups are sustaining small and medium enterprise in dozen of communities, teaching hundreds of clients saving techniques and spreading values of reconciliation and unity in a disfranchised nation.

Nevertheless, I have to admit that the limits to microfinance are disconcerting. Muhammed Yunus once wrote and said that “poverty belongs in a museum.” As much as that statement is a gripping paragon, it remains just that, idealistic. Eradicating poverty is an ideal, improvement is an objective. What does improvement look like though?

All actively engaged college students seem to struggle more or less with this dilemma. We continue to live in a utopia of problem-solved theories, be it indoctrinating market principles or fun to yell Che Guevaran accusations. Or maybe that’s just me. One thing is a certain, the solution isn’t black and white. A bottom up approach is powerful by nature as empowerment liberates the individual. But without a top down commitment,  social workers are only going to continue taking pictures and writing tabloid scoops.

An Unforgettable Team
I haven’t been writing this blog to pretend to know it all. I’m a nineteen year old rising senior still in the midst of debating between venturing into the evil corporate world or taking an extensive vacation with a non-profit. Working at HOPE RDC has been a down-to-earth eye-opening experience that I will never forget. Remember that the future will always be filled with a certain amount of uncertainty, but that the Lord already has a perfect plan in mind.

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Aboubakar Banza Client Profile: when health services and microfinance meet

Hidden off a dirt path in the Bel Air quarter, a modest size clinic appears out of nowhere. Entering the first building, we discover 3 fully equipped beds with mosquito nets, a consulting room and no less than 5 more canopy beds in the last compartment. We are then led into the doctor’s small office, tucked away amidst the expansion work. He explains in perfect French that “they would love to open a radiology and gynecology center.” When asked about his ambitions, he candidly says: “I want this place to become a hospital.”

Aboubakar Banza is a certified Congolese practitioner who survived the bureaucratic hurdles of the 5 year undergraduate system. He has been a HOPE client for 12 cycles and has faithfully reimbursed three times the highest benchmark of $2,000. Moreover, he employs two qualified coworkers. While existing the parcel, he points over and designates a small kiosk resembling stall as the pharmacy. That is where he begun his business.

In a country filled with mystic occult beliefs, HOPE RDC is a testimony to the physical and spiritual power of the Lord. Syncretism has perverted the bantu culture for centuries, but the revival of the Church is one of the gateways to development. Beyond serving his community in multiple sustainable ways, Aboubakar is a devout Muslim believer. Pray that the Father would continue to use this enterprise for His glory and soften this man’s heart to the sacrificial love of our Savior, Jesus Christ.

Paty Sab Client Profile: the beauty of integrity

Congolese marketplaces are swamped with half-reliable telecommunication products, be it vodacom or airtel. Street-vending cellphone minutes therefore seems uninspiring, yet the perseverance of Paty is startling. But how did this seemingly ordinary client transform a $100 loan into $2,000?

Paty Sab once prowled the restless Kenya neighborhood where teenagers drive rundown taxi buses. Unlike everyone, Paty found refuge in his family and pastor who introduced him to HOPE. After only 3 loan cycles he had centralized his activities in a small office. He then brilliantly began to buy minutes in bulk in order to print the code encrypted cutouts directly from the Internet. Today, his sales reach some two thousand individual charges per day.

In addition to his entrepreneurial skills, Paty is an example of integrity in his community. HOPE RDC lends through a village banking leadership structure. In a society prone to corruption, Paty was logically appointed treasurer and has contributed to the staggering saving rates of his brothers and sisters in Christ. In retrospect, he affirms that, through HOPE, “I learned what it means to be fair and honest.”

Paty and Jeanette have been married for a year and are the proud parents of Bryan, only a month old. Paty is also the choir director of his church where he regularly praises the Lord. The red clay of Lubumbashi is a continuous reminder of the paternalism inflicted by current and previous leaders, but stories such as Paty Sab remind us that empowerment means freedom.

Saturday, July 28, 2012

Tumika Sa Iku Napita: Work Time Is Flying By!

Blogging is both a curse and a blessing. Writing can be entertaining but seems almost fruitless when you are ongoing so much at once.

Besides writing a 38 page market research paper, life has been pretty good. After a month of roaming around Lubumbashi, the bureaucratic hurdles, institutional disparities and buzzing backup generator have become practically normal. I was flabbergasted to find that there are no less than 4 government bureaux in charge of mineral imports and exports, all of which had a merry time sending me around in circles. In the meantime, the National Office of Employment ironically makes due with 5 employees for a province of several million people. Talk about priorities.

Some of my most interesting discoveries have been at La Brioche, the only true coffee shop in town and my appropriated second office. Unfortunately, the everyday lushois is largely uneducated. Political conversations often turn sour and the interventionist card seems always blindly played. As much as I dislike United States foreign policy, I cannot help but chuckle at these grand discourses. Mismanagement and corruption are often larger than the individual, however, self-pity and selfishness do not improve national unity in any way. In reality, if the oppressed accept to be oppressed, are they not just as condemnable as the oppressor?

In microfinance, the politics are similar. People easily blame the institution but rarely criticize their own work. Humility would truly help us all. I am the first to fail in this domain. Culture is a beautiful gift that is often misinterpreted. Westerners want to impose a business-oriented façon de faire while Africans are reticent to endorse a different approach. With some 10 days left, my long term solution would simply fall along the lines of unity. Easier said than done though.

Each sunrise is a new opportunity to learn and each sunset is a grace to reflect upon. Despite the trials of the day, the horizon is glowing red and tomorrow a new path will appear from within the darkness. Keep praying for the DRC.

Saturday, June 30, 2012

Juhudi and the Power of Courage

As I approach the halfway point in my summer internship, I cannot help but think back on the incredible week that has ended. The Lord has continued to challenge me in numerous ways as well strengthen me with underserved blessings.

The Lubumbashi office was enjoyed to welcome a group of members from a supporting church in Pennsylvania. The fellowship was wonderful and I believe that everyone was encouraged by the work of the Holy Spirit, both in the Congo and stateside. Needless to say, we had several interesting encounters, be it with flabbergasted clients in the Kisanga marketplace or dazzled children during the Young Life ministry program. Nevertheless, the week was filled with incredible stories. We met Paty Sab, a young adult in the Kenya district, who has managed to transform his street-vending cellphone units business into an outlet enterprise selling 2,000 rechargeable minutes, on average, per day. Full story to come soon!

These testimonies truly demonstrate the power of microfinance, yet I was most revitalized this week by the privileged relationships that were built, be it serving as an interpret during staff worship or sharing a delightful mishopo dinner.

Café Jazz at l'Alliance Française on Friday night

You may be an insular American, a snobby European or a forlorn Congolese, but I am certain each one of us shares some form of compassion for those in need. Today, the Democratic Republic of the Congo marks independence and coincidently the government has decided to release new bills. For those econ savvy nerds, you know that means an unavoidable rise in inflation (prices) and most likely an increase of social unrest. Continue to pray for HOPE clients and their already hard work while lifting up the decision-making and discernment of government officials.

I would also ask you keep me in your thoughts and prayers, that I would be grateful in all circumstances and live a dangerous life for Christ in all things entrusted to me. I would specifically request you pray for my incoming support. I am amazed at the generosity people have shown and can only praise the Lord. Gifts have nonetheless stagnated at the $2,000 benchmark while my target remains $4,750. I have decided to show a breakdown of my budget, specifically for those of you who have at heart giving with a specific purpose:

Cost of Living:
May 24 - Aug 08
Roundtrip from US to Lubumbashi with detour in Lancaster for Leadership Training Summit
Tax Airport
Departure from DRC

Multiple entries into DRC and emergency visa for Zambia
Catholic Guest House
Covered by HOPE; includes electricity water and Internet
Meals at Catholic Guest House
Breakfast and dinner
$3/day sandwich close to office
$2/day taxis including field visits
Bank Charges
ATM international fees
Laundry and toiletries 
Emergency Funds
Post-conflict country, poorest in the world according to UN

As you can perhaps tell, stewardship is incredibly important to me, be it ridding in crammed 20 cent taxi buses (rather than private cabs) or living in a distant one-room monastery (instead of a downtown flat). Transparency is essential in life, I encounter this reality everyday in the work of microfinance. Feel free to ask questions and please visit the support tab if you feel led to make a gift:

My mission remains the same, to be a faithful ambassador of Christ and to trust the Father in all things. To Him be the glory and - mungu akubariki - may God bless you.

Friday, June 22, 2012

When blessings abound

Un mois, jour pour jour. Sure enough time has passed by in a surreal fashion. These past few days have been reinvigorating in numerous ways, be it talking theology till the wee hours of the morning with my Congolese hall mate or becoming the new soccer star of the Tabacongo district on a warm Saturday afternoon.

Filled with joy and never more at peace in my tranquil monastery, work has taken a sharp turn during the past ten days. An array of thoughts are constantly swarming through my head now that I have been entrusted to a market research and analysis project. Intimidating, vague, you name it. And yet, to my greatest surprise, I have never been more motivated. Who would have thought that I would be plowing through data that has never been compiled before and reading up on those once disregarded statistical methods.

Despite the strenuous office work, I still get to spend l’avant midi bus hoping between neighborhoods to visit solidarity groups. Day after day, I have never been more certain that the Lord is actively present in the midst of microfinance. Hearing a loan officer explain the meaning of wisdom in his own tongue or witnessing the spontaneous sermon of papa Clement on the importance of honesty are once in a lifetime experiences.

Next week, I shift gears into surveying local markets with my spectacular mathematical skills. I use to dread the streets and now I cannot wait to interact with the Congolese youth. The reality of poverty always hurts to witness, but you have to see the opportunity behind the sickness.

Beyond the promising weekend ahead, I look forward to occasionally pulling out the blazer and gathering data on the macro level situation in Lubumbashi, be it at the Congolese Central Bank or the United Nations. I can only begin to describe the economic potential of the Katanga province in constant cohabitation with the indiscreetly corrupt regional jurisdiction. Mining companies are everywhere, commercial banking billboards appear out of nowhere and yet the rich get richer while the poor remain poor. In the meantime, university students have to pay off their teachers to pass their year and business owners have to bribe government officials to obtain their merchandise.

In spite of the backwardness of life, Congolese never stop smiling and laughing. How could I dare slow down half way?

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Akiba and the Unspoken Need for Savings

Beyond making witty depictions of my whereabouts, I am actually interning for an incredible organization that is making significant difference in the poverty-stricken world. Microfinance has been caricatured as the anti-Christ of development work for far too long, be it because of its interest rates or required repayments. How could you possibly expect poor people to be good stewards of their money? Does the Bible not say to give out of charity to those in need?

Without a doubt, microfinance has caused much distress to the poor. In its original conception, microfinance was to replace abusive moneylenders but sadly some microfinance agencies only added a formal title to these derogatory schemes. However, I would argue that these nefarious practices are the exception to the rule. Microfinance stands out as one of the few self-sustaining non-profit agencies while impacting more than 100 million people worldwide. People should be far more concerned about traditional banking financially excluding those under the poverty line. Lets not forget that the poor are gifted individuals more than capable of handling an income. Conventional handouts create dependency, microfinance is an opportunity for the destitute to lift themselves out of poverty.

If you suspect the biblical soundness of lending money, I would also encourage you to read Leviticus 25 (as my econ prof would say). Blame-shifting in development is easy but solutions are often scarce. Microfinance responds to specific needs of the disfranchised.

Perhaps none of this is unfamiliar. One characteristic of microfinance seems often neglected though, that is the centrality of savings (or akiba in your Swahili 101 course). Lending and savings are complementary financial tools which empower the individual with an income, inculcate hard work ethics and protect households from emergencies.

HOPE requires that at every new loan cycle each client have 10 percent of their forthcoming credit previously put aside. Consequently, compulsory and voluntary saving become logical habits in the mind of the poor. I was baffled by the solidarity group Mont Monrija that saves more money than it borrows in some cases. One maman confidently told me she had saved over $1,700. She holds a loan of $500. For your enjoyment, bellow is a picture of these courageous women.

Everyone seems disconcerted, but it works! 
It remains hard to infuse a culture of savings to people who often live day by day. Nevertheless, these stellar clients and so many others portray the potential that exists in microfinance. I have heard stories about group members eventually abandoning credit altogether and making a living off of their savings. I am humbled and impressed to hear such testimonies.

Altogether, be an open-minded follower of Christ. Microfinance is far from perfect, but it has revolutionized banking through its intricate relation with savings and simultaneously elevated entire communities out of poverty.